вторник, 20 мая 2014 г.

Psychological consequences of communist propaganda.

Psychological consequences of communist propaganda.

Have ever someone thought about this? What would be the price to pay for generations of people with a damaged picture of reality? Would it be the price to pay only for Russian society or near by countries? The World?

The civilized world has stopped breathing, figuratively speaking, when Russian TV showed a radioactive dust that would be left from USA, if Putin would press a red bottom. Not serious may be, but words grows to actions, that what they always do.

So the next step we saw not far lasting. US are taking great measures to protect the world from a crazy guy. The push is Ukraine, and one of the plants in Dnepropetrovsk, that exactly serves today Russian nuclear rockets “Satan”.

Did Obama know already about this? Yes.
Did US people? No.

Till today it was secretly kept away from public.

Appetites of Russian grew rapidly like disaster; they now want to have not only Soviet Union back, but also a collapse of US, and all human and other resources of European countries.

In a world, that is born after collapse of Soviet Union a new world was born – a world of sorrow by greatest time of Russian empire.

Psychological state of people is deeply connected with some historical events and communist education of Soviet Union people. I will try to explain it by simple tables of Psychological effects of events and communist propaganda. 

Events of last 100 years
Psychological influence
After effect 
1917 Stationer Bandit’s revolution under Lenin

Revolution of bandits, forbidden to be rich, to say other way from communist party.
The life in continuous fear to be killed for your ideas, thoughts and words. People are scared, depressed, no trust to people as a hole.
To live in continuous stress is difficult, that is why a big number of people came as a result to altered consciousness, changed and distorted by constant fear to be caught or somehow punished. To make a choice to agree with communist and approve their bandit’s methods was much easier then to fight back. ( it takes roots from mental state of mind for people before 1917, the state of mind was a slave determined)    
1991 the end of Soviet Union
The end of Empire, stress of loss, till that time, 3 generations later, people still truly believe inside Russia, that Soviet Union fall was a big mistake. (republics, countries, people of ex colonies of Soviet Union as Ukraine or Poland, or people in other colonies, never had such ideas)
A try to find a new place for Russian in this after Soviet Union world. Feelings of shame, humiliation, they try to cover with no talk about evil that was done to hundreds of cultures during epoch of Soviet Union. Still stay unrecognized by them millions of crimes conducted by communist leaders and KGB.
2014 revolution in Ukraine against stationary bandit group of oligarch system that worked on Russia secret service, fight for independence (as it was in many other eastern European countries)
Fear to loose Slavic consolidation, as for Russian for many generations an idea of only one existing possibility, of only one choice – Slavic or Eastern, friend or enemy, had worked during Soviet Union till today. This logic of bipolar world is strongly presented and a basis of national thinking. For example, to do business together – to be only friends. The full absence of companion ship or just working relations. So, if you have a deal with Russian born in there and lived his/her childhood there, be sure, you’ll meet this kind of logic in Russian actions or motivations. 
An appearance of national enemies of Russian and Russian speaking people (who are heroes in foreign countries are made in monsters to Russian, and used for population zombification), demonization of enemies, world wide self-pronounced genocide of Russian without real basis, and so on. Truly possible to write a book about Russian real state of mind.  

Events closely cooperated with the slave determined Soviet Union propaganda.

Propaganda last 100 years
Psychological influence
After effect
  1. Soviet Union – a big country to be proud of.
  2. We are all Russian are born to fight with US and its allies European countries.
  3. US are an enemy for Soviet Union, so it is also an enemy for each of us.
From 1991 till today
  1. There was no history of Ukraine, or any other occupied country. We all studied the history of Soviet Union only, history of KPSS party, Darwin and Doctor Pavlov experiment with dogs and light.
  2.  Obligation to have Lenin, Stalin, Putin portraits in a class and each corner of school, or any public buildings.
  3. Only Russian songs to listen.
  4. All that from US or Europe comes from Devil. (later in 90-s)
  5. In Soviet Union, now Russia - the greatest education of the world.
  6. Soviet people, now Russian - are the smartest people of the world.
  7. Soviet people, now Russian - have a specific brain formation that makes them to find the salvation of problems in the own Russian way of thinking.

  1. People became over proud not of what they do or how they live.
  2. For hundreds of years the idea was supported by all governments in Russia, the world is two dimensional for people: friend or enemy.
  3. US as one of any big country perceived only as a competitor and enemy.
  4. No desire to accept mistakes that were done to post colonial countries, as Ukraine for example.
  5. Cult of Lenin, Stalin, and now cult of Putin.
People started perceiving the portraits as faces of saints.
  1. People mostly watch Russian movies, listen only Russian songs. Mostly because they speak only Russian.
  2. Russian for hundreds of years were saying about their super orthodox mission, which is above all others.
  3. 9. 10. Very strong in propaganda for 100 years, this Russian believe strong and Russian are always deeply insulted if someone thinks opposite way.

1. Desire to make territory of Russia as bigger as possible. An example: Crimea, Ukraine, 2014.
2. An appearance of stories about world wide conspiracy against Russia: world wide government (they try to fight and spread about this disinformation all over the world); masons conspiracy; Illuminati conspiracy. (if to make a good search then possible to find that the main office of Illuminati order is in Russia, here is an example)
3. The main is always to compete with US.
4. Today all books, songs or movies about Stalin or Lenin crimes are forbidden in Russia.
5. In Russian news or historical books all bad information about Stalin, Lenin and Putin crimes are wiped off.
6. Absents of world knowledge, wide perception of the world, chauvinism, dislike of all foreign, racism.
7. In Russian churches today pastors are saying that Russian orthodox religion is the most kind and rightful.
8. 9. 10.  They want today to teach the entire world how to live the right Russian way, to speak the right Russian language and to trust the right Russian world perception. They are speaking today and writing everywhere about new war against Devil US and Europe.

Russian imperialism mind rules today in Russian geopolitics, and it is fully logical. Many people were always saying me, that it is just the tragedy of Russian that they have such a cruel policy, politics, president. But I am always ready to remind those that people support this type of relations, excepting all politics movements and really trust in Putin as a new Russian Czar.  

My next article will be about Russian  "Illuminati" group, and what are their ideas. 

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